EtherRain Ethernet Sprinkler Controller Support
Get information about and download configuration software for EtherRain from this page.
To view the EtherRain frequently asked questions (FAQ) page, click here.
For information on schedulers and scheduling software compatible with EtherRain, click here.
For information about available smartphone apps:ZonePopper for iOS App; and ZonePopper for AndroidApp.
EtherRain Admin
EtherRain Admin is the configuration utility for the EtherRain controller.
Configuring EtherRain is easy as generally only three parameters need to be changed:
name, mode, and account number (if using LawnCheck).
The software options listed on this page will allow you to configure your controller quickly using your favorite computer type.
NOTE: Rev C EtherRain controllers offer a web interface allowing the three primary configuration parameters to be configured without EtherRain Admin. See the quick-start instructions that came with your controller for more information. EtherRain Admin is still benefitical for use with Rev C controllers for purposes of finding (network discovery) and testing.
For Windows
EtherRain Admin for Windows is a native Windows installation. It works with Windows 10 and other previous versions of Windows. Click the following link to download and install:
EtherRain Admin Configuration Utility 1.6.3 (.exe) for Windows (latest version: February 2013)
For Apple Macintosh with Mac OS X
EtherRain Admin Java can be used to configure EtherRain controllers from Mac OS X based computers.
For information on how to run EtherRain Admin Java on the latest Mac OS X based systems, please view these pdf documents (updated 3-20-2018):
EtherRain Admin Java on Mac OS X High Sierra (.pdf).
EtherRain Admin Java on Mac OS X El Capitan (.pdf).
NOTE: The latest OS X Versions won't install Java applications locally, so keep a copy of the downloaded JNLP file on your desktop for convenient local access (view the above EtherRain Java on Mac documents for more information).
To launch EtherRain Admin V1.05j click the "launch" button:
If the orange launch button does not appear directly above, your computer may not have the required versions of Java or Java Web Start installed. Mac OS X has native support for Java and Java Web Start. Your Mac OS X computer should automatically download the latest versions of Java and Web Start, however you can get immediate updates by using the software update feature in Max OS X.
If the orange launch button does not appear and you don't want to update Java, you may try to launch by clicking here.
For Desktop Linux with Web Start
EtherRain Admin Java can be used to configure EtherRain from computers that run desktop Linux distributions that support Java and Java Web Start. The latest popular Linux desktop distributions provide support for Java and Java Web Start. Java version 1.8+ is required to be installed.
To launch EtherRain Admin V1.05j click the "launch" button:
If the orange launch button does not appear and you don't want to update Java, you may try to launch by clicking here.
NOTE: On Ubuntu 11.10
(3-31-2012) Webstart Icons may not show up and the Firefox or Chromium browsers may not be configured for automated support of Java Webstart applications.
If the Launch icons do not appear on this page, click on the above link. Your browser will prompt to save or open.
Click save. This will save a file called "launch.jnlp" in your Downloads directory. Open a terminal window
and navigate to your Downloads directory. You have two options:
From the terminal window while in your Downloads directory, type:
javaws launch.jnlp
sudo javaws launch.jnlp
Using "sudo" results in the execution of EtherRain Admin J with proper layouts, allowing configuration and testing; The application icon placed on the screen however is locked. Using the non-sudo form places a working application icon on the desktop, however the window layouts are not optimal.
Other Support:
To view the EtherRain frequently asked questions (FAQ) page, click here.
For information on schedulers and scheduling software compatible with EtherRain, click here.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us: (or use our email contact form.)