App Privacy Policy

ZonePopper™ iOS is an app for Apple iPhone and iPad devices. ZonePopper Android is an app for Android devices.
ZonePopper provides immediate on/off control of your EtherRain for zone and valve testing. In addition, ZonePopper can run complete cycles quickly and immediately with only a few taps - perfect for when visual inspection determines that your landscape needs a little extra irrigation.
This Privacy Policy describes how personal information is collected, used, and shared when you install or use the App.
Personal Information the App Collects
ZonePopper collects no personal information.
How Do We Use Your Personal Information?
ZonePopper collects no personal information.
Sharing Your Personal Information
ZonePopper collects no personal information. ZonePopper shares no personal information.
App Links
ZonePopper iOS for iPhone iPad
ZonePopper Android for Android phones
Contact QuickSmart via email if you have any questions about this privacy policy.
Email Address: (use our email contact form.)
Telephone: 408-777-0944